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Last Updated on 29/09/2023

The purpose of the Equality, Inclusivity and Diversity Policy is to set out the Bela Aesthetics’ commitment to equality, diversity its legal duties under UK law.

The Equality, Inclusivity and Diversity Policy is intended as an over-arching statement from the Bela Aesthetics’ provisions and arrangements with regards to equality, inclusivity, and diversity.

Policy Statement

Bela Aesthetics’ seeks to promote equality of opportunity, to welcome and encourage inclusivity and to encourage and celebrate difference.

To realise these core principles, Bela Aesthetics shall exercise no discrimination on the grounds of political opinion, age, race/skin colour, disability, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital status, race, religion, or sexual orientation in the admission and treatment of its clients. 

Bela Aesthetics is committed to creating, promoting, and maintaining inclusive services and treatments where all clients are treated fairly, where diversity and inclusivity is valued, and discrimination challenged. Bela Aesthetics recognizes in its Mission Statement that its primary role relates to clients safety and public protection and confirms its commitment to ‘Equality of Opportunity, Inclusion and Diversity’.


Values of Bela Aesthetics

Upholding Clients Safety and Public Safety as the core driving force of the company

Operate within a strict and agreed Code of Practice that embodies robust ethical standards in the provision of aesthetic treatments

Openness, fairness, and independence.

Commitment to Equality of Opportunity, Inclusion and Diversity.

Working in partnership with clients and all key suppliers in the aesthetic industry.

Recognising innovation and best evidenced-based practice and responding to change.


Bela Aesthetics understands that in fulfilling its objectives that there are issues and impacts in its chosen areas of activity that have differing relevance for differing groups and individuals and as such its policies, initiatives and other activities need to recognize and reflect these differences from an equality, inclusivity and diversity perspective.

Bela Aesthetics Marketing and Communications is designed to ensure effective communication and representation across all groups and individuals.


Legal Responsibilities

Bela Aesthetics’ commitment to Equality, Inclusivity and Diversity is underscored by its duties under the Equality Act 2010. The Act establishes nine protected characteristics on the grounds of which discrimination is unlawful:



Gender reassignment

Marriage and civil partnership

Pregnancy or maternity


Religion or belief

Sexual orientation


Protection from unlawful discrimination on the grounds of a protected characteristic applies in relation to the treatment of clients and employees and the provision of all services offered by Bela Aesthetics. 

Unlawful discrimination may take the form of direct or indirect discrimination, harassment, or victimisation. In relation of disability, it can also include discrimination arising from a disability and failure to make reasonable adjustments (Equality Act 2010).


As a UK Registered Company, Bela Aesthetics seeks to abide by the

‘Equality Duty’ and therefore, has due regard of the need to:

Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, and victimisation on the grounds of a protected characteristic.

Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not; and

Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not. (Equality Act 2010.

The Equality Duty does not apply in relation to the protected characteristic of marriage and civil partnership).


The overall responsibility for compliance with equal opportunities legislation and the implementation of this policy lies with Bela Aesthetics director and employees.


The director and all employees have a responsibility to uphold Bela Aesthetics’ commitment to equality, as expressed in this policy, by:

Treating each other, directors, employees’ and stakeholders with dignity and respect.

Not engaging in, colluding in, or encouraging behaviour that constitutes unlawful discrimination under the Equality Act.

Supporting activities to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations as required under the Equality Act.


Contractors and suppliers who provide a service on behalf of the Bela Aesthetics are subject to the requirements of this policy.


The evaluation and selection processes for contractors and suppliers may include the extent to which contractors and suppliers comply with equal opportunities legislation and Bela Aesthetics’ Equality, Inclusivity and Diversity Policy. Contractors or suppliers that are unable to

demonstrate such compliance will be excluded from consideration of the contract in question.



Notwithstanding its commitment to tackle discrimination and to promote diversity, Bela Aesthetics recognises that problems may still

arise from time to time. Any complaint of unlawful discrimination will be taken seriously and dealt with in a timely and sensitive manner,

and in accordance with Bela Aesthetics Complaints Policy.  

May you need to report any concerns please email

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