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Last Updated on 29/09/2023


As Covid-19 is still an ongoing global pandemic, we have produced a policy to guide our clients through the steps we are taking to ensure the safety of both our clients and our staff.

We have produced this policy in line with multiple sources from within the medical community and the government. Covid-19 is

an evolving pandemic and therefore this policy is subject to change as the situation evolves. Rest assured we will be responding

to any changes dynamically.


Safety is our number one priority. We are an aesthetic clinic with high infection control standards. There are certain steps we need our clients to take to maintain this and we greatly appreciate your cooperation with the new measures we will be implementing.


Before your appointment


If you feel you are at risk of being infected, even if you are asymptomatic, we respectfully request for you to delay your appointment for a minimum of 2 weeks. We would recommend that clients in high risk groups for developing serious complications from Covid-19 delay treatment. If you are not sure whether you are in a high risk group, please check the NHS Website: According to new government guidelines, you do not have to wear a face mask. However, if you prefer too and it is possible to do so, we have sufficient supply in clinic if you do not have one. Space in the clinic is limited so please attend your appointment alone. If someone comes with you, please ask them to wait outside the building. Please limit the number of belongings you bring to the clinic.


On the day of your appointment


Please enter the premises no more than 5 minutes before your appointment. If you arrive early, please wait outside the building so we can prevent overcrowding inside. If you arrive late, we may not have sufficient time to complete your treatment on the day. When you enter, we will take your temperature. If your temperature is high, we would respectfully request for you to delay your appointment for a minimum of 2 weeks. Please use the hand sanitiser provided. A mask will be provided if you do not have one. Please keep the mask on while you wait. Masks should be kept on for upper face procedures but will need to be taken off for lower face.


Staff measures


All staff will be using personal protective equipment in line with current recommendations and evidence. Wearing a mask can make social interaction difficult and we apologise in advance for this. Please be assured we are the same friendly team underneath even if you cannot see our smiles! The practitioner will be wearing a shield as well as a disposable apron which will be changed between clients. Regularly washing hands and using alcohol gel between and during each appointment. Allocating sufficient buffer time between patients to disinfect the clinic and ventilate the room. The aestheticians will be wearing clothes that are only worn in clinic and washed daily at 60C.


In summary


We kindly ask that you make sure you have read the pre-appointment information (refer to our Terms & Conditions page) and adhere to the advice as best as possible. The policy will be under constant review, and we will inform you of any changes as soon as possible.


If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us on

0751 5904469 or

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