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At Bela Aesthetics all consultations are FREE


You will be required to pay a deposit at the time of booking your appointment. Your deposit will be deducted from full treatment price on the day of treatment. Please refer to Our Terms & Conditions. 


The initial assessment will take about 30 minutes.


The most important part of our job is the time we dedicate to clients during consultation. It is our obligation to give our clients the best possible outcome and ensure they feel valued and worthy. For this reason, we will always be open and honest with you, and we truly expect the same from you to ensure treatments are carried out in the safest possible way with your best interests at heart. 


We work under strict confidentiality!


All clients’ information and treatment details are kept confidential and securely stored electronically abiding with GDPR.


We are paper free!


During your consultation, we will discuss your medical history, find out your goals, explore your options, discuss any previous aesthetics work you might have had in the past and explain all pros and cons of each treatment.  We will provide you with a candid opinion as what can be realistically achieved and together, we will discuss on what treatments options are available. The final decision on which treatment to proceed is yours. However, we reserve the right to refuse to proceed with a treatment you may choose if following our assessment, we consider the treatment will not be suitable or is not in your best interests. 


To us, your overall health, safety, and wellbeing are paramount. At Bela Aesthetics, we kindly ask you to be open and honest with us about your medical history, previous surgery, previous or planned dental treatment and any medication taken to ensure we will provide you with best results treatment ensuring your safety and wellbeing.


At Bela Aesthetics all treatments are only administered by an Aesthetician with the required specialist training for each treatment. We only use high quality CE approved  products from certified pharmacies to ensure we provide safe and effective treatments.


If a treatment requires any prior preparation, you will be given them in writing, we will discuss them during consultation to ensure you fully understand them and are prepared to follow. Likewise, after treatment care instructions will be discussed at time of treatment and given to you in writing. 



Before booking, we strongly advice that you consider the following as it applies to all our treatments:


- Do not plan to have treatment within 2 weeks of an important social event or holiday as this may not allow enough time to have some correction if the desired result is not achieved.

- If you are pregnant or breastfeeding. You must wait 6 months after giving birth or 6 months after nursing before you can be treated.

- If you suffer from heart conditions or have a pacemaker, you will be required to provide a Doctor’s note. If you fail to bring a Doctor’s note you will be rescheduled, and you will loose your booking deposit.

- Haemophilia or Blood Disorder, a Doctor’s note will be needed to perform any treatment. If you do not provide us with the Doctors note, then your appointment will be rescheduled, and you will lose your booking deposit.

- If you suffer with Cold Sores you will be required to take cold sore medication 7 days prior and for 7 days post lip treatment. Please note that taking the medication does not mean that you won’t suffer with a breakout after the procedure.

- Autoimmune Disorders are a contra-indication to most aesthetic treatments; therefore, we will not be treating anyone who reports to have an Autoimmune Disorder.

- You will be required to report all medication that you are currently taking including any vitamins and over the counter medicines.

- Strong sun can impact on the results from aesthetic treatments specially during the first 2 weeks following treatment day. If you are going on holiday, it is recommended that you wait 4 weeks before having your procedure from the day you get back. Or have your treatment 4 weeks before you go away.



Before the treatment, we strongly advice that you


- Avoid taking anti-inflammatories (such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen) for 3 days prior to treatment (unless this has been prescribed by your doctor) as this increases the risk of bruising.

- Alcohol, fish oils, St. John’s Wort, Gingko Biloba, garlic and Vitamin E should also be avoided for 3 days prior to treatment to lessen the risk of bruising.

- If you are prone to bruising, taking arnica orally for a few days prior to treatment may lessen the risk.

- If you are unwell on the day of your appointment, contact the practitioner to reschedule.

- Ensure your practitioner is informed if there are any changes in your medical history or medication taken before receiving any treatment.

- We will still be using numbing cream! However please take 1g of paracetamol 30-60 mins prior to your appointment (if not allergic). This is a great tip to help minimise any pain.

- Avoid wearing makeup to limit the time taken to remove it. Please minimise jewellery worn on the day.


Contact us today and book a complimentary consultation meeting!


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