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Bunny Lines

Some patients will present with complaints of oblique nasal sidewall rhytides, caused by hyperactivity of the transverse portion

of the nasalis muscle. These rhytides are commonly referred to as bunny lines, owing to the patient appearance with maximal contraction of the nasalis muscle.


Brow lift

A Tali lift works by weakening the superior muscles fibres of the Orbicularis Oculi (depressor of the lateral brow). Reducing the downward pull in this area can release the brow, allowing the Frontalis muscle to pull the brow tail up more effectively.


Nose slimming 

Botulinum toxin to slim the nose is not about physically altering the shape of the nose, as with a surgical rhinoplasty. Rather, by limiting the muscles near the sides of the nose with Botulinum toxin, the nose can appear slimmer. This “Botox nose job” is often paired with Botox for the nose tip, which can dip if the muscles used to smile pull down on the nose.


Nose lift

As you already know, Botulinum toxin relaxes muscles. Close to the tip of the nose, there are several, tiny muscles. One small muscle connects the tip of the nose and the upper lip (depressor nasii muscle). If that muscle is too short or too strong, it pulls the tip of the nose down. When people who have that problem smile, the drop of the tip of the nose can get worse. Botulinum toxin can relax that muscle. After Botulinum toxin, the muscle is longer and less strong. The tip of the nose appears more lifted and does not move downwards when you smile. The tip of the nose also has a muscle on each side of the nostrils. When these muscles are too strong or too short, they pull the nostrils down. As a result, the nostril becomes broader and with that, the tip of the nose appears broader. Botulinum toxin can relax these tiny muscles. Due to that, the tip of the nose looks slimmer and less droopy.


Gummy smile

When some people smile, their upper lips widen too far exposing their gums, which can make people feel self-conscious. This is due to hyperactive upper lip muscles. We think that no one should feel ashamed to smile, our advanced treatment injects the Levator labii superioris muscles to lower the upper lips when smiling. This advanced treatment includes two sessions to ensure the best results are reached.


Upper lip

The sphincter action of the orbicularis oris muscle is responsible for dynamic vertical rhytids of the upper lip. Vertical perioral rhytids are a common complaint amongst patients seeking facial rejuvenation. Although some activities, including excessive sun exposure or smoking, can accentuate or hasten the appearance of these lines, they are almost universally found with increasing age.  


Lip flip

This involves injecting a few units of Botulinum toxin along with the upper lip muscle, and cupids bow at certain points, near the border, to relax and ‘flip’ the lip to make the lip much more visible. This results in a fuller, plumper, but natural-appearing upper lip. When injecting Botulinum toxin into the orbicularis oris muscle (which is the muscle surrounding the lips), the effect is that the targeted muscle relaxes. Using Botulinum toxin to perform a lip flip can help relax the muscle, therefore allowing the lip to

flip upwards, creating a poutier look. The lips will appear larger and fuller.


Oral commissures

Contraction of the depressor Anguli Oris (DAO) muscle produces a downturn to the corners of the mouth. Hyperactivity of the DAO contributes to accentuation of the melomental fold, also known as the marionette line and can give the impression of sadness or anger by inverting the corners of the mouth. Patients often present with complaints of an angry look to their face, which they attribute in part to a downturned mouth at rest. Treatment of these muscles can reduce the downward pull and provide a subtle lift to the oral commissures, correcting an inverted smile. 


Cobblestone Chin

Hyperdynamic activity of the mentalis muscle can create the undesirable appearance of wrinkling or dimpling of the skin overlying the chin, often referred to as a peau d’orange appearance. This is most evident during periods of facial expression. Although a less commonly used indication, these patients can also be treated with Botulinum toxin to relax the underlying mentalis muscle. 


Teeth Grinding

Do you wake up with a stiff painful mouth every morning due to teeth clenching and grinding overnight? Hypertrophy of the masseter can cause teeth grinding and create a square appearance to the lower third of the face and convey an impression of heaviness to the face. Moreover, a hypertrophic masseter can impart a masculine appearance to a female face. 


Nefertiti lift

This advanced treatment is an alternative for those who do not wish to opt for more invasive face lifts. Using our anti-wrinkle treatment over the Platysmal Bands to provide a ‘Nerfertiti Lift’ improves the definition of the neck, relaxes the jowls and provides 15-20% upward lift. Static rhytides and lipodystrophy are not amenable to treatment with Botulinum toxin, but vertical platysma banding and horizontal rhytides can be improved. Furthermore, patients seeking improved contour and definition of the jawline have been successfully treated. 

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